A Good Leg Workout For Toned and Strong, Calves and Thighs

A Good Leg Workout For Toned and Strong, Calves and Thighs

1. Wide Squat with Feet Turned Out:
- ½ minute
- Feet should be wider and pointing out
- Squat as normal
- Squeeze the glutes as you stand up straight

2. Tip-Toe Squat
- ½ minute
- Squat down as normal
- Raise yourself on the tip-toes and squeeze the glutes

3. Alternating Side Lunges:
- ½ minute
- Lunge to the side
- Get as low as possible

4. Lateral Leg Lifts:
- ½ minute on each leg
- Stand on one leg, with the other to the side and off the floor
- Hands on hips
- Slowly raise and lower yourself

5. Bridge Pulses:
- ½ minute
- Back flat on the floor, using the abs to keep it there and legs shaped in a triangle
- Lift the pelvis as high as possible then back down

6. Bridge Static Hold:
- ½ minute 30
- On just the shoulders and tip toes
- Keep the pelvis up and hold
- Stay straight

7. Modified Bridge:
- ½ minute
- Like the previous position
- Move the knees side to side

8. Two Foot Calf Raises:
- 20 seconds
- Stand up straight
- Roll onto the balls of the feet
- Back down

9. Single Leg Squat:
- ½ minute on each leg
- Stand on one leg, sticking the other leg out forward
- Chest straight, and hands in front
- Lower yourself on the leg as if your squatting

10. Wide Squat with Feet Raises:
- ½ minute
- Legs wide in a squat position
- Get as low into as a squat as possible
- Lift yourself on the balls of the feet

11. Modified Wide Squat With Holds and Pulse
- 15 seconds Hold the wide squat on the tip toes
- 15 seconds Start to pulse on the tiptoes
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Pulse for 15 more
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